Ahh... the madness has finally subsided.
My bathroom is whole once more... and they even replaced my shower-head so I can actually wash my ass without having to stand on my tippy-toes to do it. It's been long overdue,.. but at last my microscopic water closet can compete with any roadside Motel shit-house that you might find on I-35 driving from Temple to Austin, Texas!
I'm considering another visit to Japan in October or November...
It would be my 5th time there and I have almost enough Frequent Flyer miles to cop an almost free round trip to the Land of the Rising Sun. All my ducks are slowly moving into line...
Then... suddenly... my roomate drops a bomb on me.
He's moving out at the end of the month. He drops this on me with almost no notice... but what can I do?
He's an old friend of mine... I just don't have it in me to stick it to him like he's obviously capable of doing to me.
It's just terrible timing. I just can't believe that he would pop this on me after I was willing to take him in (and on such short notice, I may add) when he desperately needed a stable place to stay a few years back...
Feh.. whatever. Good riddance. He'll only regret it later on when he realizes what he left behind.
I'll bet that his new landlord or roommate won't let him slack off on the bills like I did...
Shit... I even covered him a few months back because he was short on cash... what a sucker I am.
I may go anyway...
It's hard to pass up a practically free ride to that magnificent country. It will be great to hang with Kazu and the rest of the gang again as well...
Japan Fun Fact #68: The Daibutsu in Kamukura Japan (Central Honshu) was cast in 1252 out of bronze and is 44 feet tall.
It has survived tidal waves, fires, earthquakes, and typhoons.... even when the buildings that once contained it could not. It stands outside, naked to the elements... sitting unchanged as it has for over 750 years. The Buddha's features are slightly distorted so that it appears balanced when veiwed from a low front perspective... similar to some Greek statuary. Silk Road influence perhaps?...