Poor fella...
All he ever really wanted was a bit of co-dependant affection... and a daily supply of pre-pubescent teenage girls to crush manually...
Well,... they say that "what goes around, comes around"... and I'd venture to say that no one will be losing any sleep over this brute's fate (even in MY creepy comic book world)!
Exactly 6 more pages to go in the main story proper (barring any unforseen accidents) and perhaps a pin-up or two before I'm finally finished with this installment. I just want the pencils done or close to finished before the July Convention in San Diego... but my expectations are becoming more and more realistic as the pages clunk along.
The ending of this story is a bit complex, so the pencils are starting to crawl as I labor carefully to fit every detail in each successive panel. I'm beginning to hate myself for starting this tale "in medias res" now... it takes careful pacing to connect the flashbacks to the present storyline, and I now think that the story would have flowed just as well had I simply told it in a straight sequential fashion.