Thursday, August 24, 2006


Back into the familiar rut...
I've started page 26 now and it's progressing at a fairly torpid click.
Recent changes to the story's script have hampered progress a bit, but still I plod ever onward...

"Little Fin", as I have taken to calling my lovely midday swimming companion (see last post), has been strangely absent these last few days... so my recent workouts have been noticeably lackluster. This sort of disappointment is so typical of my daily predicament, that it hardly strikes me as unfortunate anymore...
Oh well.

At least I was fortunate enough to be there at the right time for the brief bit of inspiration she afforded me while it lasted.

The festival of brutality continues throughout page 25 with renewed abandon... I've really tried to keep the camera flying about to spice up the visual narrative. I'm hoping that the panel arrangement won't interfere with the actual storytelling aspect of the page... I don't want to sacrifice continuity for punchy eye-candy.

I'm trying hard to keep pushing forward and doing my level best to avoiding looking at the blank masonite panels stacked neatly against my drawing table....

Soon,.... soon.


The Keeper's Notes said...

lookin' sick FUK! Nice pencils...Rick Bryant still inking it?

Greg said...

Yup... Rick's still handling the inking chores.
Why... you interested?

He's waay behind... but still plugging away.

The Keeper's Notes said...

Hey, I'd love to do some inking...but I thought we tried that one before...

Greg said...

Well... you never know, man.
Who knows what I'll be looking for by the next story.

I'd be happy to give it a shot again if you were willing...
I feel bad about being so picky before... but Rick has me pretty spoiled and used to a certain look.

The Keeper's Notes said...

Sounds cool to would you want to work have some photocopies you could give me?

Greg said...

Sounds possible... we'll have to meet up sometime over some coffee and photocopies!


The Keeper's Notes said...

sounds like a plan to me ('cept I'll take a water)...we'll talk about it...

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg - Enjoyed reading your blog - I like seeing your stuff online - I especially like your photograph. You must come from wonderful stock - I bet your parents are proud :>)

The Keeper's Notes said...

If you're up for it, I'm planning on attending the Big Apple show on Sept. 16th..we could meet up.

Greg said...

Maaaybe Justin...
Dunno if I'll be at that show yet...

Either way, we'll figure something out.

The Keeper's Notes said...

Sounds good...