Thursday, February 01, 2007

"Sink That Lock..."

Another bit of progress... slow and steady now.
For some reason, these panels that were supposed to come all "hot and heavy" are s-l-o-w-l-y eeking out progress at a snail's pace. Very frustrating... but at least I'm still going forward.

Anyone know what's going to happen in the next panel to our grasping protagonist?
C'mon all you Martial Artist experts out there... what's the grotesque hirsute giant setting up with his hand position?

I'm coming up on a potentially potent panel that I'm unsure how to illustrate...

In my thumbnails, it reads very well as a dramatic close up,... but I'm afraid that the graphic nature of the panel may be a bit too extreme to warrant such a detailed rendition. My instinct tells me that the more over the top the image is, the better the following reaction panel will be... however, I'm wondering if I am starting to skirt the limits of taste with this approach.
The battle NEEDS to be viciously violent to be convincing... but do I have to show EVERYTHING?

More weirdness on the dating front... but I think it best to refrain from comment until I've thought it through a bit more clearly and have a better sense of insight on the matter.

On another front... February already?
Another birthday looms dark and inevitable upon the horizon...

Still so much left undone...


The Keeper's Notes said...

I would think he was going to do a number on our protagonists shoulder..or elbow. I don't think you do need to show everything. It just needs to be set up correctly that the reader will know what is happening, even if it's partly obscured or even out of panel range.

Greg said...

Ahh... I knew you'd figure it out, Justin!
Yup... he's setting an elbow lock.

The graphic panel in question is the close-up of the character's elbow being hyper-extented and dislocated.
I wanted to show not only bone protrusion and a bit of gore but the fact that he has metal re-inforcement and bracer rods built into his joints (a hint that he is not really all he appears to be on the exterior). Sure... it'll be a bit gory... but it might be a necessary hint or insight into the true nature of the protagonist. In this way, the reader sees something that the girl does not (He pops it back into place mid-battle, so the girl never sees the interior wound close up....) and is privy to information that she doesn't find out until much later on.

What think you?

The Keeper's Notes said...

If there's visual information about the character to be gained from showing the actual injury, then, yes, it's long as there's a story-telling reason for the violence than it can be justified.