Monday, August 27, 2007

"Hmmm... that gun looks familiar..."

Another progress post...

It's the last week of Summer Lifeguard duty, and I'm certainly going to miss the friends I've made at the pool...
Hopefully, I'll be able to maintain some contact through my weekly visits to the pool (if they don't close it for renovations) as a civilian swimmer once my tour ends.

I'm also looking forward to getting back to drawing again full-time to build my portfolio and keep the content current.
I hope to land some sort of university teaching gig in the near future to try and keep a consistant income coming in through the pipe... (put my Master's degree to work for me)

This whole freelance grind is getting a bit tiresome and I'd appreciate it a great deal if I could pick the jobs I want to accept more readily because I have some financial stability to back my choices.
Here's hoping that I can manage to land something sooner than later...
The classes at the Museum are now coming fewer and further between... not to mention the budget cuts... so a new strategy must be devised.

Wish me luck...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Sexy!!!