Monday, September 17, 2007

"Hold on... just a bit longer..."

Work on the penultimate page is progressing at a fairly good click now that other "distractions" have been removed from the fore...
Sure,.. I'm unhappy about the way things worked out... but I suppose that it is for the best. No one wants to be anyone's "mistake", that's for sure...

I hope to post more panel progress soon...
I just need to more fully realize a few of the visual passages before I feel confident putting them up here for relatively public consumption. A couple of the images have turned out rather well and I'm anxious for some further feedback from those of you out there that still actually give a shit whether I finish this or not (even if it's only out of a sense of pity).
The pages are getting rather cramped as I try to fit it all in within the constraints of the format I've set for myself...

Who knows... maybe another page wouldn't kill me after all...

I am such an idiot....

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