Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shameless Plug #1...

Just a quickie post today...

I painted a cover illustration for a friend's first graphic novel to debut at this year's MOCCA Festival this coming June.
It was a terrible rush job, given the circumstances... but in retrospect, I suppose that some of the loose spontaneity of the piece was only possible this way.

I hope that it's crude charm helps his sales somewhat...

I'm also including some interior color sketches I did for background elements for his editorial/intro page.


The Keeper's Notes said...

Quick as they might have been, I think these are great...nice to see some painted stuff. Congrats on the cover. I'll be at Mocca this year and will look for it.

Greg said...

Yeah... thanks for the kind words, sir.

I might just be there myself if I'm not too ashamed of how it looks once printed...

I'm happy to be painting again as well;)

Jenny said...

Impressive art.

Does he get pedicures at the same place as Nightcrawler? ;)