The endless crawl continues...
Still, with about 4 more pages to go, the end is certainly within reach now.
I'm trying my best to keep moving forward and resist the urge to "update" older pages. It isn't easy. I've learned so much from this journey, it's sometimes hard to look back at the early pages and not feel that they are almost substandard at this point. I suppose that if I have the time at the end of the project, I might allow myself a bit of revisionary time on the initial pages.
For now though... we push ahead...
Yes..forge ahead..finish it up, then you can go back and make any revisions you need. Looking good.
What is the name of this story? Has this been published? Do you have any sample pages with dialog? Nice pacing and storytelling from what I can see from this limited exposure :-)
This is part of graphic novel I'm trying to get published... it is finished and lettered already. I wanted to wait to post the finished work until it was in print. This is an almost finished state of page 34...
I've hit a stall recently and have had to endure a bit of a setback... but I'm hopeful that it will see print later this year in Heavy Metal magazine.
The title of the story is "The Pugilist"©
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