Thursday, September 08, 2011

Last Gasp...

Had some slowdown recently, work-wise... Lifeguard duty and the random shift changes really wrought havoc with my sleeping schedule (not that it's a really good excuse).
Still, some forward progress is always welcome.

I'm going to try to use the rest of this month to make some serious headway into the last two pages. They are complex, but I feel more confident with the tools with each passing panel. I hope that there will be minimal "touch up" on the older work once the main story proper is finished and I try to render the all pages into a general level of consistency.

This was a tough page for me, especially trying to match up the color schema from the earlier story sequence.
This is the point in the tale where the intro sequence and the story progression link up. We'll see how successful it all is once the next page is finished.

So.. without further delay, I'm off to work on the next page;-)

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