This was last years live Halloween Show that we put on in Brooklyn... complete with full monster suits, a giant replica of the Empire State Building, and a shit-ton of chalk and cardboard building props!
This is a fairly condensed version... hopefully once it is fully processed, it will look a bit less pixelated. Until then, enjoy the nuttiest Halloween Show in New York City in it's full color cubist glory!
Just click twice on the image to link to Youtube and watch the show uncropped ;-)
Here are few sketches from the SVA alumni drawing class I occasionally attend Wednesday nights...
These feature a fellow with a tremendous physique... thick and sinewy... potentially perfect for a future Hercules/Atlas/Zeus painting for my mythologically themed series.
The first is a 10 minute drawing... the other two are 15 minutes.
OK... trying to get back on schedule again with the work... This page came fairly quickly once I was finally able to put my full attention to it.
Lotsa junk freelance work to pay the bills interfering with what I want to do... need to do. I have to keep sight of what is really important and get through this.